Thursday 23 July 2015

Longbourn - Questions

Hello everyone,

I hope you’re all enjoying this months book. Don’t forget the book club meeting this month will be on Thursday 30th July.

Here are some questions for you to have a look at before the meeting, please be aware they may contain spoilers!

•    Lizzie Bennet is a much-loved heroine. Has LONGBOURN changed your view of her at all? Do you think she acts selfishly in relation to Sarah?
•    LONGBOURN is a book that stands alone as having its own story, characters and themes–how far has the author ensured her novel is not pastiche, that it is a novel with a separate identity?
•    Did you like that Jo Baker told the story through so many character's points of view? Or was there one voice, like Sarah's, or James', that you preferred above the others?
•    Does a reader's enjoyment of Longbourn depend on a familiarity with Pride and Prejudice? How does Baker assert an independent voice and vision while using the framework of Austen's novel?
•    Baker continues her story a bit beyond the ending of Pride and Prejudice. Do you find her speculations about what happens to Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, their daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Hill, and Polly, satisfying?

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